The congress will preferably be held in-person, although it will also be possible to attend it in “hybrid” mode.
The Jean Monnet Eucons Project is pleased to present the II Eucons Annual Meeting. This second international meeting is entitled Disruptive Technologies and Regulatory Challenges, and it aims to call for reflection on the impact that the newest and most revolutionary technologies are having on European society, in terms of both development opportunities and risks for the rights involved. In the context of radical technological transformations, in which national and European legislators have started a widespread regulatory activity, it becomes absolutely urgent and indispensable to understand in which direction European constitutional law and in particular the so-called digital constitutionalism is going.
With a plural, interdisciplinary and intergenerational intent, the II Eucons Annual Meeting intends to involve the best European scholars of these topics, also favouring the dialogue with young researchers that are approaching the study of Disruptive Technologies, thanks to their precious sensitivity.
The Congress will be organized as follows: after an opening session with international speakers and representatives of the institutions involved, it will take place some sessions and meetings where all those who respond to the call for papers will be able to contribute with their own research.
The last part of the Congress will be dedicated to the discussion of publications. Four Authors, selected from those who sent in their contributions, will present their research and they will discuss it with some discussants.
The congress, organized within the framework of the Eucons Project of the University of Granada, will take place on 5 and 6 May 2022 at the University of Milan - Bicocca and at the University of Milan, with the scientific collaboration of the CESIFIN Alberto Predieri Foundation and the Project PID2019-106118GB-I00: “La configuración del espacio público en las redes sociales y su incidencia sobre la democracia pluralista y la constitución”.
The congress will preferably be held in-person, although it will also be possible to attend it in “hybrid” mode.
#eucons #constitutionalism #digital #AI #disruption