Dr. Gustavo Barboza

Dr. Gustavo Barboza is a Full Professor in the Department of Administrative Science at the College of Business and Information Systems at Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Barboza holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Oklahoma State University. Current research interests include topics relating to:financial education and financial literacy;

  • present-biased preferences and procrastination;
  • issues on the field of Micro Credit with particular emphasis on the role of asymmetric information in the theory of group formation and efficient allocation of financial resources;
  • international trade and economic growth;
  • geography and entrepreneurship;
  • commodity price variability and climate change; and
  • issues relating to Corporate Social Responsibility and horizontal differentiation business strategies.

Dr. Francesco Reggiani

Dr. Francesco Reggiani is an Assistant Professor at University of Zurich UZH (Assumption of office     August 1st 2016).

Ph. D. in Business Administration and Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 2001. Visiting research scholar at the USD, San Diego, CA, 1999. Degree in Economics, Bocconi University, 1995. 

Articles in international journals 

  • Accruals and future performance: can it be attributed to risk?, with F. Momentè and S. Richardson, Review of Accounting Studies, vol 20, 2015. - Return to Buying Earnings and Book Value: Accounting for Growth and Risk, with S. Penman, Review of Accounting Studies, vol 18, 2013. - Investor perception of the International Accounting Standards Quality: Inferences from Germany, with M. Ferrari and F. Momentè, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, number 27, 2012. 
  • The Market Acceptance of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparison across Six Countries/Regions, with R. Bird and F. Momentè, Australian Journal of Management, issue 2, 2012. - Accounting for employee stock options: What can we learn from the market's perceptions?, with E. Bagna, M. Bini, R. Bird and F. Momentè, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, issue 2, 2010. - What Corporate Social Responsibility Activities are Valued by the Market?, with R. Bird, D. Hall and F. Momenté, Journal of Business Ethics, number 76, 2007.  
  • Articles in Italian journals (All titles are translated from Italian) - The Value-to-Price ratio of the Italian Mib 30 index, with G. Trasi and G. Fedi, La Valutazione delle Aziende, n. 34, 2004.  
  • Real estate securitization and spin-offs by the Italian blue chip companies, Rivista Milanese di Economia, n. 73-74, 2000.  
  • Adjustments to regression betas in the cost of capital estimate, La Valutazione delle Aziende, n.11, 1998.  
  • Average or relative multiples in international comparisons?, La Valutazione delle Aziende, n.9, 1998.   
  • Books (All titles are translated from Italian) - The analysis of the financial feasibility of real estate development projects, Egea, 2005 (publication financed by Pirelli Real Estate with an introduction by C. Puri Negri).   
  • Book chapters (All titles are translated from Italian) - Risk and return of active portfolio strategies, in Active Portfolio Strategies (edited by Paolo Ghiringhelli), Egea, 2004.  
  • Growth strategies vs. value strategies: a bottom-up approach, in Active Portfolio Strategies (edited by Paolo Ghiringhelli), Egea, 2004.  
  • Bottom-up value strategies, in Style Timing, Collana Best Practice, n. 9, Egea, 2003.  
  • Country or industry diversification in equity portfolio management?, in Portfolio Strategy and Client Management, Collana Best Practice, n. 8, Egea, 2002.   

Dr. Fulvio Scognamiglio

Fulvio Scognamiglio, Ph.D. student presso la Business School della Open University (UK), per un periodo di studio in qualità di Visiting Student.

Titolo del progetto: Economia Aziendale e Economia Circolare: Business for Society verso la Sostenibilità' Integrale.

Periodo: 13 Settembre 2021-13 Gennaio 2022.
Il referente accademico è il Prof. Alessandro Sancino

Dr. Grzegorz Sobiecki

Doctor of Economics, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Finance of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Author of the early scolar publications on cryptocurrencies and alternative monetary systems in Poland. The head of (one of the) first in Europe postgraduate blockchain studies ("Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Digital Currencies", in Polish). Author and co-author of publications in the disciplines of economics, finance and management. Interested in alternative currencies, the economic theory of money and banking, the theory of economics, monetary policy, fintech, blockchain / DLT technologies, financial analysis. Assistant promoter of one of the first doctoral dissertations on cryptocurrencies (Anton Bubiel, PhD) in Poland. Expert in the EU programes. Former member of the "Blockchain / DLT stream and digital currencies" under the "From paper to digital Poland" program at the Ministry of Digitization. Co-organizing on behalf of SGH, the European Finance Society conference in Warsaw in 2018. Researchgate: 


Dr. Pawel Wojciech Smaga

Dr. Pawel Wojciech Smaga is an Assistant Professor at Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Finance.
He does research projects on banking sector, classes in banking and bank management Warsaw School of Economics, al. Niepodległości 162, 02-554 Warsaw, Poland University. 

Dr. Sandra Trejos

Dr. Sandra Trejos is a Professor of Economics at Clarion University of Pennsylvania and a Costa Rican native. She has been part of the Clarion University Faculty since 2004 where she received tenure and promotion to full professorship in 2009. She is a member of the International Who’s Who Historical Society, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, and Beta Gamma Sigma. Dr. Trejos is a 2009 and 2010 Who’s Who in America, and a 2010-2011 Who’s Who of American Women. She previously taught at the University of Costa Rica, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and the University of South Dakota. Nationally, Dr. Trejos received the Outstanding Latina Faculty: Service/Teaching in Higher Education Award at the 2014 American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (A.A.H.H.E) Conference in Costa Mesa, California.
Dr. Trejos has served as judge for the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (P.J.A.S) for seven years at both the regional and state levels, and she was, recently, a mentor for the 2015-2016 Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics (DITE) sponsored by the U.S, National Science Foundation, and a fellow for the 2017 Bentley Global Business Ethics Teaching Workshop and Symposium sponsored by the State Street Foundation in Massachusetts.

Dr. Sanna Tuurnas

Dr. Sanna Tuurnas currently works at the Institute for Advanced Social Research, University of Tampere – Finland. Sanna does research in Social Policy, Qualitative. 

Education and degrees awarded 
Degree title: Doctor of Administrative Sciences, D.Sc. (Admin.), University of Tampere, School of Management, title: The Professional Side of Co-Production
Graduation date: 11.6.2016, contact details to facilitate verification of the highest degree earned: Ms Sari Saastamoinen, Head of Administration, School of Management, email: sari.saastamoinen@uta.fi
Earlier degrees: Master of Administrative Sciences, D.Sc. (Admin.),University of Tampere, subject field of local governance and public administration, graduation year 2008. The studies included a year of student exchange to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2005-2006 as a part of Erasmus programme. 

Dr. Olena Vrublevska

procedura per l’accoglimento di n. 10 Visiting Professor e Visiting Researcher, in servizio presso Università o Centri di ricerca ucraini, nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “Bicocca per la pace” indetta con d.r. n. 3857/2022, prot. 44510/22 del 17/05/2022.

All’esito della selezione con Decreto Rettoriale n. 0081813 del 5/09/2022 è stata dichiarata vincitrice la candidata OLENA VRUBLEVSKA.

A norma del Regolamento per il programma Visiting Scholars/Fellows d’Ateneo, art. 2, la Prof.ssa Vrublevska è accolta presso il nostro Ateneo in qualità di Visiting Professor, svolgendo attività didattica e di ricerca.

In accordo con la Prof.ssa Vrublevska e tenuto conto delle esigenze manifestate, il periodo di permanenza inizialmente indicato dalla stessa (da ottobre 2022 a febbraio 2023) è posticipato al periodo da gennaio 2023 a marzo 2023.

Il referente accademico è la prof.ssa Roberta Provasi.