The co-production of public services: The Nordic perspective

29 marzo 2017 h. 13.00 Edificio U7, IV Piano, Aula 4066, Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 – 20126 Milano


Sanna Tuurnas
“The co-production of public services: The Nordic perspective”
Lecturer in Local Governance, University of Tampere, Finland

In allegato la locandina 29 marzo 2017 TUURNAS dell’incontro.

This research concerns co-production of public services from the Nordic perspective. While co-production is not just a Nordic trend, Finland makes an interesting context for studying co-production. First of all, the strong welfare state tradition and reliance on the public sector as the main producer of public services may present challenges to introducing co-production models. On the other hand, due to the autonomy of municipalities, the initiatives and practices of co-production are dispersed and multifold. Municipalities across the country have started co-production pilots as ways to update their public-service systems to be more effective and responsive. At the national level, the Ministry of Finance considers co-production a key tool for future public services.

Empirically, I present key findings from three cases studies conducted in Finland. The case studies concern a neighbourhood development programme, social and health services for youth, and the mediation services. As the findings of the case studies indicate, the implementation of co-production in practice becomes trickier than it may seem in the policy documents and strategies. Co-production challenges not just street-level work of public service professionals, but the whole public service systems by putting pressure to transform their procedures both organisationally and culturally.

Per ulteriori informazioni:
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