Jean Monnet Project

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Recently, an important milestone has been achieved by the approval of the Directive EU/95/2014 issued on October 22, 2014 focussing on Disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies and groups. All EU member states have to implement these requirements within their domestic laws calling for large companies (exceeding 500 employees) to disclose nonfinancial information on environmental, social, employee related, diversity, human rights, bribery and anti-corruption matters, by the fiscal year 2017.

The Jean Monnet Module Application No 611698-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-MODULE "Sustainability Disclosure in Corporate Reporting. Improvement and harmonization of best practices in European Union" that has been selected for EU support (2019-2022) aims to promote teaching, research, discussion and dissemination of information on sustainability reporting, i.e. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related activities, at the European level in the context of the adoption of the Directive.

The project team includes Federica Doni (coordinator, Department of Business and Law, University of Milano-Bicocca), Andrea Amaduzzi (Department of Business and Law, University of Milano-Bicocca), Jill Atkins (School of Management, Sheffield University, UK) and Murad Harasheh (Department of Business and Law, University of Milano-Bicocca).

Dal 20 al 30 luglio si terrà presso l'Università di Milano-Bicocca la seconda edizione della International Summer School Sustainability Disclosure on Corporate Reporting SDCR Jean Monnet Module Erasmus +. L'obiettivo della School è fornire ai corsisti le competenze in ambito di reporting di sostenibilità nel mondo del business e della finanza, in considerazione delle recenti iniziative dell'Unione Europea. Elementi centrali saranno l'armonizzazione a livello europeo delle best practices in ambito di report di sostenibilità, l'interesse verso i criteri Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) da parte degli investitori, il crescente coinvolgimento delle Piccole e Medie Imprese (PMI) e l'impatto della digitalizzazione. Una particolare attenzione verrà dedicata agli SDGs, ai temi del cambiamento climatico e della biodiversità.