CAL2024: The 4th Crypto Asset Lab Conference

Aula Martini U6-04

We are glad to announce the 4th Crypto Asset Lab Conference, that will take place on January 11-12, 2024. The conference will be online (web streaming) and in person at the Università Milano-Bicocca.

The conference, also known as CAL2024, is organized by the European Commission-Joint Research Centre, the Università Milano-Bicocca, and the Digital Gold Institute.

The conference focuses on bitcoin, crypto-asset, and CBDC, with a special interest in liquidity management, investment, banking, finance, financial services, monetary theory, and regulation.

The Crypto Asset Lab (CAL) is a research initiative on bitcoin and crypto assets as investment opportunity, fintech innovation, and regulatory challenge, with special regard for their disruptive role in the future of money and financial regulation.

The conference welcomes original works on all aspects of bitcoin, crypto assets, and CBDCs especially those pertaining to investment, banking, finance, monetary economics, and regulation. Both fundamental theory and real-world deployments are encouraged, with interdisciplinary efforts being particularly appreciated.

For submission, ticketing, and updates please regularly check the main conference page ( For general enquires please contact Sponsors are welcome: interested parties are invited to contact


Call for papers: relevant dates
