Woven Denim Tales: the case of BMI process in Candiani Denim, the 4th generation Italian denim manufacturing company

h. 9:30 - 10:30 room De Lillo (II floor U7-Agorà)

Business for Society Ph.D Seminar

Dinara Timergaleeva

Through this research, the author explores the intricacies of the business mode innovation  process  and  elucidates  the  underlying  mechanisms  that  instigate  its emergence.

The investigation is grounded in an interpretative revelatory study o Candiani Denim, an Italian fourth generation denim manufacturer, and the only vertically integrated weaving mill operating in Europe in the Ticino Natural Park Taking process perspective, the analysis reveals how the recognition of dormant cultural capital within the firm can shape the process of business model innovation to face adverse market conditions.