Course “Communication, negotiation and new media” (MAGES – Unimib)
Workshop “Meet the experts”
The "Meet the experts" workshops are free seminars on communication and public relations organized within the MAGES degree (Management and design of services) of the University of Milan-Bicocca, in the course of "Communication, negotiation and new media "(Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Emanuela E. Rinaldi, emanuela.rinaldi@unimib.it). They are mainly addressed to students interested in deepening the theme of communication and public relations in different fields
Seminars are in English
The number of seat is limited
What: interest representation as a professional service entailing communication, negotiation and new media
Who: Guest speaker: Prof. Luca G. Brusati, Ph.D.
Full Professor of Management and head of the Laboratory for Research in Economics and Management with Udine U.;
UNIMIB Department of Medicine visiting professor, 2020-2022 Speaker’s contact: luca.brusati@uniud.it
Contact info: emanuela.rinaldi@unimib.it