ONEEF (NATIONAL OBSERVATORY OF ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL EDUCATION) is a research project, launched in 2017 by a group of researchers from the University of Milano-Bicocca and the University of Udine, developed also in collaboration with the Economics and Legality Assembly of MIUR, FEduF and other institutions, dedicated to monitoring economic and financial education projects that take place in Italy, aimed mainly at schools and universities.
It offers monitoring, documentation and an online archive service of basic informations about education and awareness projects concerning topics related to economics and finance, which also include issues related to taxation, active citizenship, investments, gaming gambling, legality, retirement provision and planning.
In particular ONEEF aims to:
• document the initiatives implemented by a multiplicity of actors, through an easy-to-consult virtual space that provides basic informations about the various projects (ONLINE DATABASE OF ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL EDUCATION PROJECTS);
• provide a scientific and independent point of reference for those who approach the subject of economic and financial education in Italy and wish to have up-to-date informations on the various projects run in Italy;
• offer an independent Observatory that proposes to oversee the initiatives carried out in Italy by linking them to the features of the territory and to other variables (public involved, themes, methodologies, evaluation processes ...). It provides updated data, useful for researches, guidelines and checklist to improve planning of economic and financial education projects;
• stimulate the creation networks in the area of financial education among public, private and ONG institutions: along with knowledge of the projects and connection to the Observatory, the promoters can forge mutual relationships and give rise to joint projects.
ONEEF Secretary
National Observatory of Economic and Financial Education
Business and Law Department
University of Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milan
Phone: + 39 02.6448.3013